Sunday, April 14, 2013

I'm in the show...

Here is the announcement of the second Biennale engraving exhibition which includes the work of students from across the region which are part of communities participating in the "Mediterranean House of Printmaking." 

  My Teacher, Sylvie Maurice, at EMAP ( ecole municipal d'art plastique) has chosen twenty original engravings to put in the show and among them are two of mine!! 
  I am very pleased as you may imagine and am now looking for a way to get out there to see it. The location is quite far from Nice, around an hour's drive , I believe.
  The vernissage (opening) is on May 27 at 6h30.  I am not sure I will make it to that but I will get there at some point if only to see what my fellow artists of the region have done.    The exhibition continues until June 20.  

Centre Médiéval
83570 CARCES

L'exposition des professeurs des gravures qui dirigent les ateliers des écoles d'art de gravures participant à la deuxième biennale.

Cettre exposition établira une relation culturelle entre la ville de la Seyne sur Mer et le moyen Var au travers des communes partenaires de la Maison Méditéranéenne de l'Estampe. Elle présentera les oeuvres de :

- Jean Pierre Tanguy
- Patrick Devreux
- Luc Daguillon
- Nathalie Rodriguez
- Daniel Rovaletto
- Madame Challan-Belval
- Xavier Dorotte
- Sylvie Maurice

Vernissage le vendredi 27 mai à 18h30
SAMEDI 28 MAI à 9h30 : Petit Déjeuner culturel en présence d'artistes professionnels



Place du vieux Moulin à huile
83570 CARCES

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1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Two of twenty included is great. I hope you can make it for the opening. Keep us posted.

