Monday, November 1, 2010

Toussaint, All Saint's Day, November 1

There is the tale of the elderly gentleman who when asked to what he owed his long life replied:  "Two words: NO SPORT".

Well, having no ancestors whose graves to visit on this All SAint's Day ,  I went and "busted my ass" at the gym  ( I know that is one of the most vulgar expressions imaginable, not even grammatically correct ,but it is the first one that comes to mind and it has a certain ring to it.)

I am at the age that I think that I can give advice..... and it is not the same as the old gentleman's.  Living a long life isn't everything if you are not mostly happy or at least content.

 There is no other single thing barring drugs that will change your moral over the long run than doing some  physical thing on a regular basis.  If you want to call that a sport, then so be it.

Of course, walking in the rain on the way back was a close second to that kind of high.    Alright,  I've said it....take it or leave it.

1 comment:

  1. The writing is as(s) funny as ever!
    Take! :)
