Saturday, February 26, 2011

Fiddling with the internet.

Philippes STuff 2, ( I didn't move anything)

I have just realized that some of your comments were held back for moderation.  Sorry about that.  I have no idea why except that maybe "flatulence" on one of them is considered a dirty word by google.  Sorry to Bruce, Joa and Jeanne.

 So now the comments are there as I have given them all the ok and I have put up a language translator too.   I am curious to see if it will be used.  I tested it on the  French translation since I don't know any Chinese and it is not perfect but it is pretty good .  I am interested to know if other countries log in now.  I will be able to see that on my "stats" that come with my blog.  I can see which countries log in and how many people read each post.  I can even see the kind of service provider they use.  It's fascinating.

This week is more than full of trials and I am doing my mojo on them one after the other.  Some of the items on the disfunction list of life seem trivial and some don't.  I suppose it's all how you look at it.   

I just talked to my neighbor who had all the teeth ripped out of his head ( by the dentist) because he must have a heart operation and possibility of infection had to be ruled out.  The poor guy can only drink soup and has lost five kilos already.   He could stand to lose about 10 more kilos so this is, I suppose, his silver lining.  Let's hear it for 'silver linings".  I could use a few and I'll bet you could too.

For my foreign readers the saying is in English "every cloud has a silver lining".


  1. you know that silver linings exist every day!!!

  2. THank you Pink, I'm looking ...I am looking for them. Stuff is happening so fast and furious.

  3. Oh, Mary. What a lovely treat to catch up on your writing and photos this evening. It was such a lovely way to catch up. Your photos are stunning. Your writing is delightful. The questions you raise are perfect. And, it takes me out of my head and into a whole new world of beauty, grace and perspective. Thank you so very much! Great perspective on gratitude and focusing on the silver linings. Sometimes that's not as easy to do as it sounds. Love to you!"
    Joanne M
