Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Coulour of Music Festival, Charleston

 Before Dave and I headed out of Charleston , we were able to hear a concert with the Colour of Music Festival , a festival of black musicians featuring a few famous black composers.   The concert we heard was extremely accomplished and the young man, David E. Berry,  played Chopin, Schubert, Scarlatti and a black composer that I had never heard of: George Walker http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Walker_%28composer%29 . 

 The information in the program said that Walker was born in 1922 which would have made him 91 years old.    The piece that Berry played for piano was intriguing and unique.  It was called Sonata no. 2 and was written in 1956.  I really liked it.

It was a shame that there were only about 20 people in the large auditorium but Mr. David E. Berryhttp://www.davideberry.com/html/slideshow.php was completely professional and announced each piece.  As he announced the Walker piece, Berry said that Mr Walker was in the audience.    Since we were so few in the audience, Dave and I got to speak to both Berry and Walker afterwards. 

 This one and the concert I heard at the symphony hall with Ellen's friends were fine memories.  I will never forget the sweet face of 91 year old Walker.    

 I hope the Charleston Orchestra will soon be on its feet again and that this Color of Music Festival will continue to grow each year.  With the low price of tickets and the fine offerings it should be a sell-out. 

1 comment:

  1. Mary,

    Wow!. a high five on you excellent writing and photography from
    your trip to the old south. It's nothing short of excellent!!!!

